Anthony Morrison – Build, Send Profit Live 2016

This year’s Build, Send Profit Live event was absolutely amazing!
We had over 150 of our students join us live in Buckhead, Georgia for 3 full days of training on the exact techniques we are using in our businesses everyday. It’s truly amazing to see so many people travel from all over the world to attend our event so they can learn more and of course earn more.
We say it all the time, but I think it’s worth pointing out again – knowledge is the key to success!
The BSP Live event this year provided some of the most in depth knowledge and training about email marketing and e-commerce that you’ll ever find taught here’s a breakdown of what happened each day.
Day 1: Build
We started off the event with Anthony Morrison teaching some of his key secrets to massive success as an email marketer. Anthony showed how the Morrison Publishing team uses 4 key elements to write their emails to appeal to different types of people. Using this technique has generated a massive increase in the open rates we’ve seen here at Morrison Publishing so we thought it would be best to kick the event off with this information. Anthony also taught how to “test’ your email list and find the right time of day to send your emails based on a very unique testing method we use ourselves.
This session was HOT and people loved it…. the feedback? Astounding.
We continued our day with our first guest speaker, Travis Stephenson, who taught his 5 core concepts to Facebook. The students loved this because Travis has a unique method for generating massive amounts of traffic from simple Facebook ads for his business. Everyone in the Internet Marketing industry right now wants to learn how to leverage Facebook for the massive amounts of traffic it can provide. This was a true hit with our students!
We capped the first day off with Adrian Morrison teaching some of his unique approaches to e-commerce and Shopfify. Adrian is super successful generating sometimes upwards of $500,000 per month from his e-commerce stores so the students were thrilled to learn from him and have in person interaction.
Day 2: Send
As you know we structure our event so it makes sense for our students attending. We don’t want information just thrown around day after day with no structure which is why Anthony Morrison planned the event to have specific topics on each day. The second day was all about sending traffic to your business. If you’re looking to build an email list or send traffic to your Shopify store this day was pure gold for you.
We saw Internet Marketing legend Shawn Casey take the stage to talk about “free traffic” and do a phenomenal Q&A session with Anthony Morrison for the students. Next up was an underground marketer, Ryan Dombrowski, who shared some of the most amazing content on how he’s leveraging Instagram right now to build his business. The students absolutely loved this session because it was new and completely outside the box, which is exactly what we aim for with the BSP Live event. Sean Vosler took the stage next which was an absolute treat for our attendees. Sean is responsible for over $20,000,000 in sales leveraging email lists this year alone. It’s rare you’ll ever find someone like him speaking at an event, however, his close friendship with Anthony Morrison helped us get him to the event to share his knowledge with our students.
We wrapped up day two with Adrian Morrison covering even more traffic strategies for your Shopify and e-Commerce store.
How cool is that? We just continued to give knowledge to our students because we love them!
Day 3: Profit Optimization
We’re all about optimizing our businesses to generate the most profit possible, which is why we spent an entire day sharing with our students exactly what we do and how we do it. We believe in being 100% transparent because at the end of the day that’s the only way to transfer the proper knowledge to our students for them to have success. We started off our final day with guest speaker, Tyler Devin, sharing some amazing insights on how to optimize your email marketing campaigns. Tyler has personally been hired by our company to consult with our staff on email marketing in the past which is exactly why we brought him in to speak to our students. Everyone loved the talk and felt like they truly understood email marketing and how to “optimize” their process to get better results.
We wrapped up the event with an all access Q&A session with Anthony Morrison and his brother Adrian Morrison. The guys sat down and spent over two hours answering every single question from our students in detail. The goal was to make sure nobody left without their question answered and we think we accomplished that goal! We stayed 2 hours over our allotted time in the room from the hotel (special thanks to the JW Marriott for allowing us the extra time to spend with our students).
The event was great and we hope to see you there next year!