help Morrison Publishing give back!
ChristmasForKids is an organization that is dedicated to helping underprivileged children receive gifts on the most important day of the year, Christmas morning. Founded by Anthony Morrison, CEO of Morrison Publishing, LLC, ChristmasForKids is a nonprofit organization that does not require any financial donations. All gifts are paid for by Anthony Morrison and/or one of his companies. The purpose for ChristmasForKids is to get other young people involved in giving back to those less fortunate. We are looking for young adults in the Madison/Ridgeland area to volunteer their time to shop for children during the Christmas Holidays.

These Children Deserve Compassion & Thoughtfulness From
Those Of Us That Have Been So Blessed In Our Lives.

I started ChristmasForKids because I have seen firsthand how getting people involved in giving to others can really help others realize there are less fortunate children in this world. Christmas 2006 I was able to see something absolutely amazing, and to this day when I talk or read about it it still brings tears to my eyes. I was walking through our local mall and saw the Angel tree still had quite a few angles left on it, and it was only a few days before Christmas.
That vision really struck me hard, and caused me to inquire as to what happens to the children that aren’t lucky enough to have someone purchase them gifts. I was told they typically wouldn’t get anything, and if they did it would be leftover toys that were not given to other children. The thought of a child’s Christmas being filled with “leftovers” absolutely made me stick to my stomach. I decided to go ahead and take all 23 remaining Angel’s from the tree to make sure none of these kids got leftovers. I only had 24 hours to purchase gifts for 23 kids! When the realization hit me that it was impossible for me to do this alone I immediately turned to my friends and family. I began calling around and was able to get my brother, and a few of my friends to help me with this endeavor on very short notice. It was a Friday night and these kids gave up partying to help me shop for other people! I was very impressed.
If you ask any of the people that helped me that night they will tell you the highlight of their Christmas that year was shopping for these kids. Just imagine four or five twenty year old guys frantically shopping for 23 children during the holidays. It was a crazy night, but what amazed me is how each of us took the situation very seriously. I noticed my friends shopping very particularly for each child they were given that night. We didn’t just buy gifts to get done, we actually took our time and made sure we got everything each child wanted, and then a few extras. I truly believe that moments like this can and will change a person’s life in a very positive way.
Everyone Should Have The Opportunity To See What It Feels Like
To Care For Someone Else, Just As You Do Your Family & Yourself.
I started ChristmasForKids to give everyone a chance to do just that. I realize financial situations can cause an issue for many people, especially young adults. It is important to realize that giving of your time is just as important as giving financially. Each of us gained the same gratification that night in 2006, and we all look back on it today and realize it has made us appreciate our families, and our situations in life so much more. I truly hope through this organization I get give young adults the opportunity to give back to others by donating their time, and helping others who are less fortunate.
If you would like to volunteer to help the ChristmasForKids organization shop for children this year please reach out to us immediately!