Funnel 7 Perception

Funnel 7 Perception
The Success Connection is all about doing the things we need to do to make more money to have more success and to have more confidence in ourselves. The goal is to inspire you and give you the wisdom and direction that you need to be super successful.
You learn a lot from people that have more experience than you and it’s no different with Bob Proctor who likes to convey his teachings by writing on napkins if necessary. Bob talked about how we perceive the things we see and read, like this sentence for example:
This can be read as someone will help you build your business which makes sense.
It can also be read as someone will help you as “you build your business”. How about you build your business together with Anthony’s help.
The goal of the success connection is to bridge the gap between those that are making money online and those that aren’t. Anthony feels that he has failed to be even 70% perfect.
Maybe so much focus has been put on building your business that not enough attention has been put on running your business.
All of these components have been done for you from getting traffic, the optin pages, thank you pages, autoresponder emails and profit centers. The plan going forward is to teach more about running your business like the stick and sell pages that help retain customers.
How would you like to have an entire members area full of training built for you including some success connection replays and a funnel that you can hand over to new customers that buy from you. Now when people buy from you they get welcomed into a members area and feel they are getting something really awesome.
In order for you to get paid from people signing up to Clickfunnels they must stick around. If somebody cancels then you don’t get paid so don’t you think if you give people the best training on earth then they’re gonna stick around.
That’s the idea of funnel number seven because it’s a representation of what you’re doing and they will get training that is far better than anything they’ll get online. How many of you can honestly say that you’ve paid for a course that taught you, trained you and gave you more than what you get on the success connection.
People have paid up to $50,000 and still don’t get the kind of training offered on the success connection totally free. If we give the best training on earth then people are going to get inspired and excited to stick around making you more money.
The plan going forward is to produce more training modules for a members area that you send people to.
What we have been given to date is great but it can always be made better because it all comes down to how people perceive things. Always be open to learning things from more experienced people and seeing things from another perspective because it will allow you to enjoy more success in your life.
Funnel Number 7
Subscribers get my notes emailed for free that this week include:
- Funnel 7 optin pages.
- Funnel 7 thank you page.
- Bob Proctors advice regarding perception that was written on a napkin and treasured by Anthony along with his first cheques.
$5,000 Invest In You Winners
Because it wasn’t made clear what constitutes earning the most it was decided to give 5 winners $1,000 each.
5 Random Winners
These winners were selected by using a random number generator and they all provided the 6 keywords. Due to Kevin’s selflessness Anthony gave him $1000 anyway.
- #122 Ken Barnes
- #167 Quang Nguyen
- #155 Mike Pattern, did not respond in time so forfeits.
- #93 Jim Tate was not on live so forfeits.
- #119 Keith Carson
- #59 Dorsel Burgess
- #128 Kevin Sloan offered for someone else to win.
- #9 Angelique Laret
The next $5k giveaway will be August 3rd. To be eligible to win you must:
- Have all keywords;
- Post your earnings result (and only results) as a comment on this pinned post in the Facebook group;
Last month there were 84 earnings results worth $26k (actual + potential).
This month there are 207 earnings results worth just under $100k.
If the combined earning potential doubles to $200k by the next giveaway then Anthony will double his investment in the winners to $10k.
Next Week
The training next week doesn’t come around very often and hasn’t been done for 18 months. It is so special that there won’t be a regular replay except for those that on live.
How would you like to plug in one component to your funnel and 10X your results?
This will help you build your business and encourage people to stick so they don’t cancel. People are making an absolute fortune doing this and they haven’t got the assets we have access to.