Morrison Publishing Live events...

Why Did We Create M Mastermind?

The answer to this is pretty simple. Our students asked us to!
Anyone looking to take their business to the next level knows your net worth is the sum of your network.
The M Mastermind was created to bring together some of the brightest minds in e-Commerce & email marketing.
The 3 Day Event Is Broken Down So You Get The Most Value Possible
Day 1 – “Members Speak” which means you’ll tell the attendees what you need help with in your business and collectively we’ll give you the feedback and direction you need to scale your business.
Day 2 – “Experts Speak” which means our proven industry expert guest will teach you their secrets to building and scaling their businesses. This is where you’ll learn the exact steps multi-millionaire entrepreneurs have taken to achieve their success.
Day 3 – “Networking Fun Day” since the mastermind is held in Destin, Florida we’ll spend the day relaxing on the beach, jet skiing, eating great seafood and networking with each other to create relationships that will bring value to your business.
Access to M Mastermind is by invitation only as this is not an event for everyone. It’s only for existing business owners who are looking to scale to the next level.

The #1 Event For All Email & e-Commerce
Marketers To Attend..

Why Did We Create The Industries Most Laser Focused Event?
The answer is pretty simple. Our company founder Anthony Morrison along with his brother Adrian Morrison (a 6 figure per month online marketer) wanted to bring a laser focused learning experience to everyone.
Build, Send Profit LIVE! focuses on a simple 3 step process for Email Marketers or e-Commerce store owners to build and scale a successful online business.
- Build Your List
- Build Your Store
- Send Your Emails
- Send Traffic
- Optimize Your Profits
- Find Profitable Products
The BSP Live!Event Brings Together Many Amazing Email Marketers
As Well As e-Commerce Store Owners In One Place At One Time
To Benefit All Of Our Attendees.

Get More Information On This Years Build, Send Profit Live Event

Connecting With Our Students To Help
Them Achieve Massive Success!

How would you like LIVE interactive coaching with Anthony Morrison every week?
The Success Connection was created in early 2015 out of Anthony had to stay more closely connected to his students and monitor their online success.
Each week Anthony meets live online with his students
on the Success Connection webinars to teach and guide
them through all facets of Internet Marketing.
Anthony Teaches EverythingFrom Facebook Marketing To
Email Marketing & Beyond. It’s Truly An Amazing Experience
For Everyone Who Attends.
You’ll also find guest speakers who are massively successful come on our live events to share their wisdom, knowledge and capabilities with our students.
You’ll need to make a few commitments in order to join the Success Connection

Show Up On Time, Take Good Notes, Implement & Take Action

Enroll Now For Our Success Connection Coaching