Autoresponder Secrets

Autoresponder Secrets
These Autoresponder Secrets reveal the exact funnel design and email sequence used to create 8 figure sales this year by the top brand names online.
Sometimes we’re going down a specific path in life and we’re thrown a curve ball. Some quiver up into a ball, get really worried and don’t know what to do and end up half-assing what they’re doing or don’t do it at all.
Then there are others who also get thrown curve balls but look at them differently. They look at them as an opportunity to divert from the path they were on and end up finding something even better for their lives.
For those of you that missed getting the funnel, the access will be opened one last time because it is the holiday season when people are traveling and it can be hard to get on a webinar every single week.
Anthony was thrown a curve ball and got a cold for Christmas but we’ve got to keep moving forward because 2017 is next week. With Anthony’s voice out of action Sean Vosler joins us to talk about autoresponders because he knows them just as well if not better than Anthony.
Sean does joint venture brokering and is responsible for 20 million dollars in sales this year using autoresponders to sell products for the biggest brands. He’s one of the most successful email copywriters out there who also builds autoresponders. He connects interesting people with great products to promote with other people that have great distribution lists.
The challenge is to take a crazy complicated funnel and break it down in a way for someone just getting started. To teach the foundational concepts so you can start making sales.
If you build a complicated funnel it’s a headache because there are always going to be things that don’t work right be it a technical issue or the content just doesn’t match the audience. It’s better to build super simple funnels and focus on the email follow-up.
All of his promotions are built on some very basic concepts. You can have the best marketing funnel in the world but if your audience doesn’t get to know like and trust you, it counts for nothing.
Our goal is to cater to great customers by giving real value.
Perhaps you’re looking to sell affiliate products and want to build a funnel but some of the pieces are missing so this should bridge the gap and give you a more complete picture:
- If you’re just getting started with online marketing and haven’t sold anything yet.
- If you’re interested in IM, you sold some things but it’s not your day job.
- If IM is your full time job and you’re making money.
This will focus on the 1’s but even if you’re a top-of-the-line marketer you’ll still get some ideas that will expand your funnel and increase your conversions. The training is designed to go from super basic all the way to helping clients make thousands of dollars every day.
What is an Autoresponder
An autoresponder is a marketing tool used to communicate with real people as you create a tribe. It’s important to understand the tech side of things but the goal is to create a lifelong connection using email.
These are some common mistakes many beginners make which may work in the short-term but ultimately lead to failure:
- they don’t worry about being a thought leader;
- they just want to make some money;
- they don’t learn about the thing they’re selling;
Autoresponders don’t have to be complex to be powerful. When you’re ready to scale your business you can add more bells and whistles.
One promotion did 1.2 million dollars in sales this year. It took about 3 and a 1/2 hours to build a funnel, write a few emails and knock up a landing page. You don’t have to create your own product when you can be an affiliate for someone else’s.
People instinctively look for reasons not to believe what you are saying because we don’t like to change. So the number one rule in marketing and advertising is to teach people why your product is worth buying to overcome their objections.
Even though you won’t be replying to all of your emails you need to be listening to what people are saying so it is a two-way conversation.
We all want to sell products but there needs to be a balance between content and product promotions because we don’t want to alienate our subscribers by being a pushy salesperson. Consumers are becoming smarter and they can sense online sales tricks so our emails need to be a conversation, pretend you’re writing a letter.
Even though you may be selling someone else’s product your emails represent yourself so you need to be authentic and transparent.
Building A Funnel
All we need is a tool that can send an email based on an action like Clickfunnels, SendLane or GetResponse. This is an ActiveCampaign autoresponder sequence for a webinar:
Basic Tech Concepts
Basic email sequence
None of the autoresponder services like the old affiliate marketing model where you found a product then emailed the offer to a thousand people. That does work but our goal is to build a relationship so we can sell today, next week and into the future.
The really cool thing about this sequence is regardless of what product you’re selling it’s mainly about your story, your audience’s story and the product is just icing on the cake. This technique works!
The way we do that is to create emails that are rooted in content rather than selling, it’s just different to the other 99% of affiliate marketers.
The sequence always starts with giving away something for free like a book, a guide, a webinar or a video. The first thank you email provides a download link and reiterates the benefits they are going to receive.
If you are selling an affiliate product you want your book to be on a complimentary topic. The thank you page is all about bridging the gap between the freemium and the product you’re selling, so you could say something like:
Thank you so much for opting in to get the free guide. You’ll find the download link attached to this email.
I’m really excited that you’ve decided to join our list and I think you’ll get a lot of value from the book.
I’d like to invite you to do one more thing so you can find the success you’re looking for. I’d like to invite you to watch this video that covers the same subject.
This is calling people out on a habit we’re all guilty of and they’ll really appreciate it. We’re creating an empathetic connection telling them that we are just like them.
Usually affiliate products have a good video sales letter (VSL) that teaches about the product so we can include that as a soft sell right in the thank you email. We’re not listing the benefits and features of the product we’re just saying they are interested in the subject and we found this cool training video that they should check out.
“Build An Online Business”
People are probably not going to buy on day one and that’s where your sequence comes in.
The sequence doesn’t have to be 10 emails but if they haven’t bought by then 10th one then you should probably just be sending content.
The first six follow ups are soft selling, the aim is to develop a relationship and build trust by teaching concepts and telling stories. If we build trust now then try and sell something later then they’re going to be much more inclined to listen to us. It’s all based on the premise you believe in what you’re selling.
Follow Up 1 – Download Highlights
This is where you highlight sections of the download because most people are not going to read it. You can literally copy some points from the book and pop them in this email then explain why they are important.
The reason for doing this is because the best salespeople in the world are teachers or guides, someone that knows what they’re talking about and is teaching you right from wrong. So it’s a good idea to learn about the product you’re selling.
If you’re trying to sell a product you know nothing about then you’re going to have a hard time teaching anything about it. You don’t need to be an expert but you do need to know more than the person you’re selling to and you shouldn’t sell something you don’t believe in.
The other reason you want to teach people is the law of reciprocity which says if you do something for someone then they’re going to feel obligated to do something in return. Because you taught them something for free when you ask them to take action they’re going to feel they owe you and do what you ask.
You’re building a value based relationship instead of hard selling. Usually the emails cover a concept by telling a story like the value you get from investing in knowledge.
A lot of people are afraid to give away their secret sauce but don’t be scared to write long emails that give real valuable content. Teaching builds trust but most people don’t want to do what you teach, they want to buy something that will help them do it.
Follow Up 2 – Myths Related To Your Subject
We all have certain beliefs in our mind that aren’t true but we take them as fact. In this email you want to identify those myths then teach the truth about them. If you want to build an online business a myth might be:
- You need a crazy complex funnel with up sells down sells and every sell in between;
- You need to be an expert copywriter;
The truth is if you take the time to learn the concepts of how to communicate with someone and accept that teaching is the best way to sell.
The beauty is your answers don’t have to be your own, you can find a quote from a reputable source and build on it. Now your answer carries authority.
Follow Up 3 – What Happens When It Goes Wrong / Right
Take people on an imagination journey.
Don’t go crazy and say all of your dreams will come true or you’ll make $1 million tomorrow. People are going to be skeptical so show them other people that are succeeding.
Follow Up 4 – Why Most People Don’t Take Action
Most of the time we’re not selling the product itself but the concept of the product. For example you might be selling an autoresponder but you still need to convince people of the concept that it’s worth building a business online.
- Convince people that they can be a video editor;
- Convince people that they can take action and see a result;
Identify the pain points that are preventing people from taking action. What’s holding them back from implementing what your guide is teaching. It could be:
- Mindset issues;
- Perhaps they don’t think they have enough money to build a business;
- Perhaps they blame their genetics;
Then give them the answers to overcome their obstacles.
Sometimes you just need to call people out and disqualify them.
- If you’re selling a champion bodybuilder course then you’re not looking to sell to 80 year olds.
- If you’re selling an investment program then you might want to disqualify people with credit card debt.
- If you’re happy with your job and where you are in life then you probably don’t need an online business.
In this email describe people that should buy, the problems they face and how to solve them and also the people that shouldn’t buy. When you’re target audience sees your transparency then ironically it helps to sell more.
Follow Up 5,6 – Objection Story/Case Study
Hopefully the product you’re selling has case studies that you can draw from. What hangups did they face and how did they get over them.
If you can get these concepts and do them correctly then it will change your life, you’ll be able to sell things like how to build a business online. Imagine you’re at a bar and you’re trying to convince someone that they should do something better with their life, how would you do that. These emails are the same thing.
Pretend you’re writing a letter to your partner or a friend because you should be willing to sell products to your friends.
Follow Up 7..9 – Urgency
These emails use a negotiation tactic called taking away the option. You’re basically saying:
Are you going to buy it or not because this is your last chance.
It won’t be available tomorrow.
We’re telling people that are sitting on the fence to take action or they miss out. If everything about the product makes sense to them then perhaps the only thing they need to take action is a bit of urgency.
Follow Up 10 – Thank You
It’s worth showing appreciation for the time they spend reading these emails. Try this subject line:
I Appreciate You,
I know we have been doing this promotion and some of you bought and some of you didn’t but I appreciate all of you taking the time to learn about this.
What Each Email Needs To Contain
The follow up sequence is really one big story. Our visitor is the hero coming to our page on an adventure looking for something they’re lacking and we are their guide.
It’s the oldest story in history, someone has a problem and someone else helps them solve it.
Try to include each of the following elements in all of your emails:
- ABT Always be teaching a concept or moral;
- KNOW Get them to believe that you really do know what problems they’re struggling with;
- LIKE Don’t be a fake, just be natural and show your authentic self;
- TRUST You don’t need to appeal to everyone so be honest and take a stand, tell the truth as you see it;
- CHALLENGE Identify myths and teach them the truth;
- CONVERT If you’ve done your job then all you need to do is give a good reason and ask for them to take action now.
If you can harness the power of this stuff it’s incredibly powerful.
Make 2107 Your Most Profitable Year yet.
Cash Giveaway
Myron Murray won $100 on the fan page.
Patricia Huff won $100 from the group.
Cathy Gardner won the $1000 Snapchat giveaway for answering “Chicago Cubs”.

Wow. You guys are such Pro’s. Look how beautiful this page is. Sean, Thank you for all the great info you gave on Thursday. How fortunate for me to follow the Masters. I soooooo excited.
Happy New Year to both Anthony & Sean.
Health, Wealth, Love, Happiness
I agree Valerie, Anthony over delivered yet again by bringing Sean on who delivered some great training.